World Vision continues development work in the war-torn districts of Sri Lanka, as the conflict continues to tear apart the lives of thousands of men, women, and children.
The recent escalation in hostilities has given rise to a major crisis in the spiralling number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the east of Sri Lanka with over 155,000 now left homeless and living in IDP camps.
With relief assistance especially critical at this time, World Vision is concentrating its efforts on distributing much needed water, food and non-food items such as mats, tarpaulins and water containers as a part of its response.
Despite the many challenges resulting from the severe fighting, World Vision has continued to provide essential relief assistance to people trapped in the conflict areas of the northern and eastern regions. This has been done through two-resettlement programmes, seven Area Development Programmes (ADPs) and at times in conjunction with specific relief programmes.
A team of World Vision Lanka staff are in the process of conducting an assessment to find out the current status of children in World Vision programmes and their needs. Staff from the area report that mobile connections are still suspended in the district, making communications one of the biggest challenges. Since last weekend there has been no electricity and regular water cuts in the district of Batticaloa.
World Vision has continued to coordinate with the government and other NGOs and authorities in an attempt to rebuild the lives of children and their families in the region. The international aid and development organisation also partnered with UNICEF in successfully rehabilitating child soldiers that were released by the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) during the ceasefire.
World Vision has been working in Sri Lanka since 1977. Its development, relief and rehabilitation programmes and tsunami relief programmes cover 22 districts in the country.