'World of Warcraft' patch 7.3.5 goes live, includes level scaling

Screenshot from the "World of Warcraft" trailer YouTube/World of Warcraft

Hit multiplayer roleplaying game "World of Warcraft" recently received a large update. Patch 7.3.5 went live for the first time on Jan. 17, with Blizzard announcing the changes on their official WoW website.

The announcement reads, "Patch 7.3.5 is now live, and adds several new features and updates, including Ulduar Timewalking; the revamped leveling experience featuring scaling zones throughout Azeroth, Outland, and Draenor; and more. Players who have completed the Antorus, the Burning Throne raid can continue the story beyond the events on Argus and experience the tumultuous aftermath on Azeroth with a new quest line. Read the complete patch notes to learn more."

Before ending the post, Blizzard also reminded players to secure their accounts with Blizzard Authenticator and SMS protect. Those who did so would receive four backpack slots for all their active characters. Announcement aside, the big update has fans of franchise buzzing.

One of the biggest changes to "World of Warcraft" is the new level-scaling mechanic. Now that levels scale up depending on the level of the player, it allows WoW players to tackle any of the areas in whatever order of their choosing. Instead of having to fight countless monsters to level up so they can proceed, most of the world is now at the players' fingertips.

According to Kotaku, prior to the update, players would start out at the beginning zone and would have to stay there until they reached level 10. After that, they would have to journey to specific places geared towards players above level ten but below level twenty. Things proceeded in this manner, meaning that only very high levelled players were able to access some of the game's areas. This was a big limitation for more casual gamers and those who merely wanted to enjoy the world of WoW or fight bosses with their friends. It made certain areas exclusive to those players who had the time to farm for experience points.

With the level-scaling update, places have lost their exclusiveness. Players with lower levels can now explore the rest of the world, while players of higher levels can now find a challenge anywhere. Dungeons have also been included in the level-scaling update, which means players do not have to worry about dungeon level and can now enter any dungeon they want to.