'World of Warcraft: Legion' patch 7.2 update: Blizzard takes back claim that 7.2. will be the game's 'biggest patch ever'

"Warcraft" screenshot. Twitter/Warcraft

Blizzard may be regretting calling the 7.2 update as the "biggest patch ever" of "World of Warcraft," with game director Ion Hazzikostas acknowledging this label to be misnomer.

In an interview on BlizzardWatch, Hazzikostas said that some players expressed their sentiment that the patch did not provide as much updates as it was promoted to have, although there were also those who felt overwhelmed with the number of new things brought by the latest update. He said, "Some players feel overwhelmed with too much content on the first day of the patch and hate that feeling. Some players feel, if they aren't overwhelmed on patch day, there isn't enough new content."

Nonetheless, he indicated that this update is larger compared to previous patches developed for "World of Warcraft" in terms of the number of quests and activities, the amount of text, new voice lines, and such. However, players will not be able to access all of these in one go. Instead, these will be gradually unlocked via raids, which will open between May and June. The first raid is the Tomb of Sargeras, which will be released in mid- to late June. He said that players will be informed of the full unlock schedule within May.

Hazzikostas also revealed in the interview that the exalted status will not be shared account-wide, and in fact will be removed, as players will now only be required to finish the Legionfall/Class campaign. He also said that the heirloom upgrades, which was previously announced, is still on the drawing board, but is being prepared for possible rollout for its 7.2.5 patch.

In terms of bugs, he said that the "World of Warcraft" team is aware of the lag/latency problems encountered by the players in the game. He said that they are trying to load-balance servers by limiting how often the system will automatically change which server a player is on.