'Wolfenstein 2' demo news: Game allows free play on first level

Promotional image for "Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus" Steam/Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

The "Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus" demo lets fans play the first level of the game for free.

Less than a month after the first-person shooter game was released, Bethesda opened "Wolfstein 2" for a free demo play. Good news to players who want to try it out and decide to purchase the game later on, all their progress will be saved and carried over to the full game.

An even better news, the game is available at 50 percent off or more this Black Friday. Those who have been planning to purchase it can now get it at a much cheaper price.

According to reports, the best deals for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are available at Best Buy and GameStop, which are both offering the action-adventure game at $25. It is also available at a few dollars more on Walmart and Target, but still way cheaper than the original price. That should be $29 and $30, respectively. The game is also available at half the price for PC on Steam, Green Man Gaming, and GameStop.

"Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus" launched to critical acclaim on Oct. 27, for both its story and the gameplay involved. Polygon gave it a strong 9 out of 10 rating, saying that it is a successful continuation to its predecessor "The New Order," which was also widely praised. The review called it a "thudding, explicitly violent game that doesn't mind looking into the heart of the people involved in this war."

Its success is best seen on its nominations for The Game Awards, which include Best Game Direction, Best Narrative, Best Action Game, and Best Performance for Brian Bloom as William "BJ" Blazkowicz.

"The New Colossus" follows the story of BJ Blazkowicz, who is leading the Resistance against the Nazi regime. In this alternate history, BJ brings his team to the United States, believing that a second American Revolution will finally take down the Third Reich.

The free trial for "Wolfenstein 2" can now be downloaded on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.