Willie Robertson endorses Donald Trump after dad Phil throws support to Ted Cruz

'Duck Dynasty' star Willie Robertson speaks during a recent campaign rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (right) at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City. (YouTube/USA News)

The "Duck Dynasty" clan seem to be divided in their choice of presidential bets in this year's U.S. election. Right after patriarch Phil Robertson gave his endorsement to Ted Cruz, his son Willie has now come out in support of another Republican candidate—business magnate Donald Trump.

"He's not afraid to tell it like it is," Willie said about Trump, according to the PR News Wire. "He's a friend of the Second Amendment...the man I'm standing behind to be the next President of the United States – Donald Trump."

Describing Trump as a "real leader," the Christian reality TV star expressed belief that Trump would make a great fit in the White House.

"He represents success and strength, two attributes our country needs. Like me, he is a successful businessman and family man and I endorse his candidacy for President of the United States," he said.

For his part, Trump shared on his website that he is grateful for the backing he received from Willie. "I am truly honoured to receive Willie's endorsement. He is a great person, has had tremendous success and a really terrific family. He believes in my message and knows that I am the only one who will Make America Great Again!" he said.

On the other hand, Willie's dad Phil appeared to have different considerations in selecting a candidate to endorse.

"My qualifications for president of the United States are rather narrow: Is he or she godly? Does he or she love us? Can he or she do the job? And finally would they kill a duck and put him in a pot and make him a good duck gumbo?" Robertson told Fox News. "Cruz fits the bill."

Cruz is naturally pleased with the endorsement coming from a fellow Christian. "I am thrilled to have Phil's support for our campaign," Cruz said, adding that "the Robertsons are a strong family of great Christian faith and conservative values."

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