Will Graham shares 4 ways how people can show appreciation of their pastors

Will Graham, grandson of Billy Graham, understands the plights faced by pastors because he used to be one himself. (BGEA)

Will Graham, Billy Graham's grandson who is also the executive director of the Christian training centre The Cove, is highlighting the importance of Pastor Appreciation Month this October by sharing four ways how people can let their pastors know they care for them and appreciate everything they've done for them.

"Have you ever considered how much your pastor gives, and the sacrifices that he and his family make? In many churches, the pastor is not just the preacher, but also the accountant, janitor, chaplain, librarian and counsellor," Will writes on The Cove's website. "He rejoices with young couples as they pledge their lives to each other, beams as he cradles an infant for dedication, and cries with families who have lost a loved one. He's on-call 24/7/365."

Because a pastor juggles so many responsibilities, he risks facing burn-outs. Having been a pastor himself, Will knows that a kind word or a little gesture of thoughtfulness really goes a long way in cheering a pastor on.

Hence, he shares four ways people can support and encourage their pastors, not just this month but for every month of the year:

1. Pray

Will has no doubt that people pray for their pastors, but if not, then now would be a good time to do so. It would also mean a lot to the pastor if he knows his church family prays for him.

2. Say something

"A word of affirmation and encouragement costs you nothing, but I guarantee it means so much more than you can imagine to your pastor. Tell him how much you appreciate him and his family," says Will.

3. Break down the walls

Disagreements are inevitable, even among church members. Sometimes, even pastors and their congregation get into arguments. "Make Pastor Appreciation Month a time of reconciliation, where you put aside the differences and focus together on the Gospel," Will says.

4. Provide an escape

A "brief time of renewal" can work wonders on a pastor's wellbeing, and this is why church members are encouraged to be considerate of their pastor's time.

"Perhaps you have a deacon in the church who can preach for a Sunday, or maybe you can offer an extra day off during the week along with a hotel stay in a nearby city that will allow him to get away to relax," Will suggests.