Why we sing when we worship


Music and singing has such an impact on us humans, but have you ever stopped to wonder why? Why do the rhythms, melodies and harmony touch our souls so easily?

Psalm 96:1–2 says, "Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day." So many times in scripture we are commanded by God to sing to Him in worship and this could probably be one of the easiest things we can do to God because music is just in us.

The book with the most chapters in the Bible is a compilation of songs written in worship, adoration, petition and expression to God. Music has such a large role to play in how we give God honour. Though there are many other ways to worship God such as with our lifestyle and with our giving, but there is undoubtedly so much emphasis as well on singing to God.

Singing and words

One of the many benefits that music has is it's such a great way to present and remember words. If you've ever had a song stuck in your head all day (and I'm sure you've had), you'll know what I mean. It's so much easier to remember and express words and thus so much easier to convey ideas and truths through songs.

Worship through singing is vital for this very reason. Ecclesiastes 12:1 commands us, "Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, 'I have no pleasure in them.'" When we remember God and His ways, we grow in our devotion and commitment to Him.

The many times Israel fell into despair in destruction were the times they forgot the Lord so you can imagine how important music must have been to be a means to remember God. It's no different today. We are to recall and remember God's goodness and expressing ourselves through music in worship is one way we do that.

Singing and expression

Reading Psalms, one notices right away how transparent and expressive David and the different psalmists are through their songs. That's also one power that is in music - through it we can express our soul and emotions more to God. We can cry out in despair and desperation, we can gladly rejoice through melody and we can boldly declare victory through songs.

God wants us to be open and expressive about our feelings and emotions. Not necessarily to be driven to it, but to humbly surrender them to Him and singing is one way that we do that.