Why does hell exists? Pastor John Piper explains why God created the evil place

Pastor John Piper says, 'Is God your delight? Because if He is, money, sex, and power will turn into remarkable potentials in your life.' (Facebook/John Piper)

Why does hell exist? Theologian John Piper, founder of DesiringGod.org, says the evil place exists because some people commit the ultimate sin of choosing something else over God.

He explains in a sermon published on his ministry's website that the punishment of hell is reserved for people who see God's glory and yet choose to prioritise other matters.

"We look at [God's] glory. We look at His power. We look at His wisdom. We look at His beneficence. And we don't say, 'Thank you,' and we don't say, 'You are great.' We say, 'I am going to trade you for something that I really want," Piper says.

"That is why hell exists, because it is an infinite sin. You can't do anything worse. There is nothing worse that can be done. Sins are simply expressions of that. Sins get all of their evil from that. That is evil," he adds.

Some people choose to place either money or sex or power above God, says Piper. Their sin is grave because deep down, they know God's true value.

"Everybody prefers something to God. Adam and Eve thought they were doing a wise thing when they preferred their way and this fruit over God and His way, and they became fools and were darkened in their understanding — and we have inherited that all the way down to the roots of our being," says Piper.

On the other hand, Piper says that if people choose God over all evil temptations, then they will have the power to use worldly things—money, sex, and power—to do good deeds instead of evil action.

"Is God your treasure? Is God your satisfaction? Is God your delight? Because if He is, money, sex, and power will turn into remarkable potentials in your life. And if He is not, money, sex, and power will become unbelievably destructive in your hands," Piper warns.

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