Where to look in the Bible if you are finding it hard to be thankful


The Bible tells us that we are a blessed people, in that God has shown His mercy towards us by sending us His one and only begotten Son to die for our sins. Yet despite the fact that God has and still is pouring His goodness and mercy on us day by day, some of us find it hard to be thankful because of the tough times that come our way.

Our thankfulness and gratefulness to the Lord is often challenged by the problems that we face daily. The sudden rise in the price of commodities, being demoted in the job or not seeing the results we wanted, getting sick and not having enough time to rest and recover – these and many other reasons push us to our limits and often steal away our desire to be thankful to the Lord for His goodness.

Still, the Bible tells us that we should be grateful to God for His goodness and mercies that are new every morning. Indeed they are.

Are you praying to God for help in being thankful no matter what you are going through? Check out the slide show below for some Bible verses to accompany your prayers and help you find the strength to be grateful always.

We are accepted. Because we are now part of God's family, we are now accepted despite what your past may be or what present struggles you may hold. Just like an earthly parent would and should accept their children no matter what, God accepts us as sons and daughters because Jesus has now paid the penalty for our sin. (Pixabay)