'What the Golf?' news: Golf parody game launched a Fig crowdfunding campaign

A promotional photo for the game, "What the Golf?"  "What the Golf?" official website

Triband, the developer of the game "What the Golf?," announced that the golf parody game is currently running a crowdfunding campaign on Fig.

According to its Fig campaign page, the game has a goal of $50,000 and has earned $27,782 as of the time this article was written. The campaign will end on March 24 at 8 a.m. Interested backers can choose from 5 reward tiers — $10: Par (digital copy of the game, digital wallpaper of the backer's favorite animal playing golf and backer's name in the credits); $20: Birdy (contents of Par as well as digital soundtrack and the beautiful sound of the backers' game name played backwards); $45 + shipping: Eagle (contents of Birdy with two digital copies of the game instead and additional game shirt as well as inflatable game club); $100 + shipping: Parrot (contents of Eagle with three digital copies of the game instead, an additional exclusive "What the Golf?" Deluxe Kit and an opportunity to design backers' own special playable in-game golf ball) and $578 + shipping: Hole in One (contents of Eagle with five digital copies of the game instead and an alternative to designing an in-ball game, backers are designing their own levels, plus an exclusive Hole in One tier T-shirt).

According to the Steam page of the game, "What the Golf?" is the golf game for people who hate golf. The key features of the goofy game include more than 50 surprising new golf mechanics, will not make players better golf players, made by people who know nothing about golf and first and hopefully the last game that will let players golf a horse.

A prototype for "What the Golf?" is available for players to try out in the Fig campaign page of the game. Players will just need to find the yellow button labeled "Download Prototype."