What the Bible has to say about being prosperous and successful in all that you do


So many people think that there are many ways to success. True enough, as many disciplines and areas of expertise exists, so does the many means and ways to become "good enough" or "the best" at something. But still, many who've tried to succeed but failed realize that at times, what you think works actually doesn't. The Bible, however, offers the best "one-size-fits-all" method to become successful in everything that we do.

Maybe you're shocked to read that, but it's true. There's a tried and tested method that promises success for every endeavor: obedience to the Word of God.

God told Joshua, "Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." (Joshua 1:7-8)

God, the very Creator of everything including the sun and all under it, said this to Joshua as he took Moses' place as the leader of Israel. He had a huge task ahead of him: to lead the nation of Israel into conquering the whole promised land. God could have given him a different set of instructions, but no. He told him all that he needed to do: obey the Word of God.

Here are some things that we will achieve and receive when we carefully obey the Word of God:

1) Success wherever we go

Careful obedience to the Word of God surely brings success in all areas, everywhere we go. God gave Joshua success in conquering whatever territory he sets his foot on in the promised land.

2) Being prosperous

People often equate "prosperity" with "money," but it's actually more than that. It also means growing in health. Joshua lived to a ripe old age of 110 (see Josh. 24:29), and did not experience getting physically weak. In fact, he continued to serve God for years far beyond today's retirement age! (see Josh. 23:2)

3) Personal success

Joshua was also successful as a person. His inner man grew in strength despite facing insurmountable challenges. His leadership did not waver, nor did he falter in passing on God's precepts to Israel (see Josh. 23-24). He was also successful in leading his family in serving God (see Josh. 24:16). In all, Joshua succeeded in everything that he did according to the Lord's will for him, because he held fast to Him from start to finish (see Josh. 23:8).