What is Heaven like?


Try as theologians might to explain the wonders of heaven, Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church said it's impossible because some experiences are just unexplainable.

"We can't compare Heaven to anything we've experienced on earth. The planet where we now reside is just a poor — very poor — carbon copy of the place God has prepared for us in eternity," he wrote on his website.

However, Warren said people can know a little about what Heaven will be like, thanks to the Bible. First, Warren said they will be reunited with every other believer once in Heaven. Every person who ever made the decision to follow Jesus will be there, including the children who never had the opportunity to make that decision.

Next, Christians will have rewards in Heaven. "You'll be rewarded for your good actions — your generosity, your good character, and your service," said Warren. "God watches everything. You have to decide where you want to be rewarded: on this temporary side of eternity or on the side that lasts forever."

The third thing Warren shared is that Christians will have their own responsibilities in Heaven. Work still exists there, but Warren said it will be different because believers will feel "100 percent fulfilled by the work" they do.

And lastly, there will be a lot of rejoicing in Heaven. Warren guaranteed Christians that they will enjoy being with God in Heaven, and it will be a "party for eternity" when God and His followers unite.

Meanwhile, Warren earlier said that those who are headed to Heaven will find themselves changed for the better. Heaven has a way of changing the way people live today, and their value system will undergo a huge shift.

"Your value system changes. Instead of living for the here and now, you'll live for eternity. You can also live knowing your future is secure. No matter what happens on earth, you'll spend an eternity with God in the most amazing place you've ever been," he said.