'Westworld' season 2 updates: Sophomore run will not pick up from where season 1 left off

Westworld logo. It is still uncertain when season 2 of the show will air, but it is not expected to immediately pick up from where season 1 left off. HBO

The American thriller series "Westworld" season 1 concluded in December 2016, with fans already looking forward to seeing its sophomore run. At the moment, the release date for season 2 is still uncertain, but there are some hints on what fans can expect in its storyline.

In the episode finale of season 1, the robot hosts from the park attacked the humans as their act of rebellion. Although it is expected that season 2 will pick up from where season 1 left off, the show creators teased that it will not be so, at least not immediately.

In the spoiler room of Entertainment Weekly, Lisa Joy tells fans, "You're definitely going to see the aftermath and the effects of what happened." However, her co-creator Jonathan Nolan quickly added, "We are definitely not picking up right where we left off."

Nolan's recent statement matches with what he said in an interview with TVLine back in December last year. When asked about the difference in the storylines of the first and upcoming seasons, he revealed that season 1 focused on the robot hosts while season 2 will delve deeper into the characters.

He said that the series "will spend a little bit more time next season shining a light on those aspects of the park — what does it feel like to come to it as a guest? — just a little bit before the mayhem starts."

It is possible that "Westworld" season 2 will first feature a time travel or flashback, as well as some stories regarding the experiences of the guests in the park before going on to the details of the slaughter.

As for the air date of season 2, fans may have to wait a bit longer. At the moment, no official announcement has been made, but it is highly possible that the second installment will only come sometime in 2018.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly back in November last year, HBO's programming president Casey Bloys said he expects it sometime in 2018 "because of how big the world is and what goes into shooting it."

He explained, "So I don't have a date exactly — they're going to have to map it out and write the scripts — but my guess is sometime in '18."