'Warframe' tips: 'Operation Plague Star' now underway, guide on how to solve it

Promotional photo for the "Operation Plague Star" for "Warframe: Plains of Eidolon" Warframe Official Website

A giant infested boil is brewing in the Plains of Eidolon in "Warframe", and it is up to the players and their Warframes to investigate the infestation. A corresponding in-game mission is also introduced, called "Operation Plague Star." The name is attributed to the infested boil brought into the Plains by a meteorite.

This guide will discuss how players can solve the mystery of the "Plague Star" and how to proceed with investigations and possibly stop the problem from spreading. As usual, players will need to have passed certain gameplay requirements in order to access the "Plains of Eidolon" expansion. This means doing the quests "A Second Dream" and "The War Within" first.

Once the pre-requisites are completed, players can go to Cetus on Earth in their choice of Warframe and talk to Konzu to initiate the Plague Star bounty. Afterwards, they will need to head out into the Plains of Eidolon to find a Toxic Canister belonging to Grineer commander Vay Hek. The said canisters can be found within caves, and finding these are reliant on luck.

Once they have the canister, players must take it to a mixing machine in one of the Grineer camps and defend it while it gets synthesized. If successfully defended, the toxins must then be deposited into a drone, where the drone must be safely escorted to the giant boil where the Infested are killed off by the toxins.

Players must also take note to bring augments to be mixed in with the toxin before synthesis. This augment for the said toxin can be obtained in two ways, one is from and Eidolon Phylaxis available as a blueprint from Nakak, the other is by crafting an Infested Catalyst from the Infested Lab inside the Clan Dojo, provided that players have a clan.

The former increases the toxins lethality, while the latter causes the giant boil to spawn a massive Hemocyte. Players can employ either one or both for increased efficiency in dealing with the Plague Star's infestations.

After this, the mystery of the giant meteorite boil in the Plains of Eidolon will be cracked. The developers also apparently plan to expand upon this premise later on as time progresses, and rewards also await the participants of the event.