'Warframe' tips, gameplay news: Guide on fishing, bugs, and glitches included

In-game screenshot of the fishing activity in "Warframe" Warframe

Sometimes, powerful space robot ninjas and their murderous puppeteer children owners need a break from all the fast-paced combat in "Warframe," which is why fishing was introduced in the newest expansion of the game.

This guide will allow the players to catch fish with more ease, as the free-to-play online game generally has a steep learning curve and lacks even the intermediate tutorials.

First things first, though, the new fishing feature is only available in "Warframe's" "Plains of Eidolon" expansion, and the Plains will only be accessible to players who have finished "The War Within" questline of the game, which itself also has the pre-requisite quest, "The Second Dream." Luckily, these are all free and can be completed without spending anything.

Once the requirements are completed, players must then proceed to Cetus on Earth and accept and fulfill bounties from Konzu until they have enough Ostron Standing reputation points to purchase the Lanzo fishing spear blueprint from Hai-Luk. The blueprint is worth 500 Standing. The fishing spear must then be equipped to the Warframe via the radial gear menu in the arsenal. Afterwards, players can now proceed into the Plains of Eidolon and locate a deep body of water. Fishes will spawn momentarily, and the players must then equip the fishing spear and impale the fish to catch them.

To locate fish faster, players can also purchase the luminous dye blueprint from Hai-Luk and craft it. This will make the fish glow if the players use the dye on the water, making it easier to spot them.

There is, however, a glitch in the hitboxes of the fish, making them harder to catch even with pinpoint accuracy. It seems that the said hitboxes are located a little above where the fish appear to be floating, which is why players are advised to adjust their aim. This may have been intended though, as there is also light refraction which distorts how the fishes appear through water, so it may or may not get patched.

Regardless, the bigger the fish, the more the rewards. In addition, material fish oil is also a crucial crafting component in the game as it is needed for building Archwing launcher modules, which will allow players to traverse the plains by flying.

"Warframe" and its newest expansion "Plains of Eidolon" are free-to-play and available for the PC through Steam. They are also available for the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 for free.