Want To Keep Your Kids Close To Jesus? Here's How


Today's children are surrounded by so many temptations: from liberated celebrities they tend to idolise to materials on the Internet that are inappropriate for their young minds. Now, more than ever, Christian parents have the challenging responsibility to keep their kids close to Jesus Christ.

Catholic columnist Amanda Evinger advises parents like her to exert effort to make sure that their children are "hooked" on Jesus and not on worldly temptations. She shares some tips on how to accomplish this task, which she says she found with "a little prayer and research." 

In her column on the National Catholic Register, Evinger writes that parents should "know their enemy" by reading and hearing things from a Christian perspective. She says it is only through being aware of what's happening in today's world can parents really be able to keep their children close to Christ and away from temptation.

The columnist also advises parents to make available in their homes materials that will make their children interested in the teachings of Jesus Christ.

"Despite the dismal culture in which we live, the eternal light and wisdom of Christ has its surefire way of reigning! By saturating our children with literature and music that portrays Catholic beliefs as true and Catholic people as heroes, their hearts will be formed to desire holiness," Evinger says.

To ensure that the young ones will be enticed to learn about Christ and His teachings, Evinger says parents can tap into technology, which is essentially a part of youngsters' lives nowadays. She says parents can watch movies about Jesus' life with their kids. She also advises fathers and mothers to expose their children to worship songs.

Furthermore, Evinger also urges parents to participate in outreach activities with their young ones. This way, members of the family "can witness how they live out their faith."

She also reminds parents to love their children fully to make them feel God's love.

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