Want to be free from anger? Face the truth and talk to God, says Joyce Meyer


Popular Christian speaker and author Joyce Meyer says people nowadays live in an angry society—but the bigger issue is that people don't even know why they're so angry.

"Many times we have issues in our lives because we're angry about something but we don't know it. I believe that for many people, the root of their problem is due to the fact that they are angry at God because their lives haven't turned out right, or they are angry with someone who has hurt them. They may even be angry at themselves for some reason," Meyer writes in an article for The Christian Post.

Anger can take many forms – it can be an all-out rage or as simple as getting upset over "trifling controversies over ignorant questionings" that "foster strife and breed quarrels," according to 2 Timothy 2:23.

But if people truly want to have more power and energy in their lives, Meyer says they have to figure out a way to not be angry all the time.

"In order to be free from anything, we have to face truth and take responsibility for our behavior. Blaming other people or circumstances and making excuses never changes anything," she says.

Thankfully for Christians, they have God on their side since "the Holy Spirit is the ultimate anger management Counselor," she says.

Even Jesus says in the Bible verse John 14:26, "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name... He will teach you all things."

When people turn to God, they can feel confident that He will give them the help they need to face the truth about themselves to overcome their problems. "I want to encourage you to go to God first when you are angry. Tell Him honestly how you feel and make a determined decision to forgive. There is no sense wasting your life being angry about something that happened years ago — or even something that happened earlier today," says Meyer.

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