Waiting for answer to your prayer? Emulate Jesus, Bethel Music says

Worship community Bethel Music believes that people should always try to emulate Jesus, and when it comes to waiting for prayers to be answered, the community members said no one else best exemplifies the value of patience more than the Saviour.

"There's a familiar quote that we've all probably heard: 'God always answers our prayer. He says, yes, no, or wait," the Bethel Music community members wrote in their blog. People seem to be more keen on getting a "yes" or "no" as a response, simply because it is more absolute. "Wait," on the other hand, gets a less enthusiastic response, they noted.

"'Wait'can feel like your feet are fastened to one spot, as you wrestle with whether the time is now or not yet," they said. But even while waiting, people can have vision. "In vision, hope and faith are implied. We have faith that God is the source of our dreams and as such, He backs up every promise with His power," they said.

Bethel Music said people should look up to Jesus as they wait for their prayers to be answered. Throughout His life, Jesus showed everybody that it's not so much as practicing patience and passing time as they wait, but rather following God's heart in every moment.

Jesus had no doubt that God would fulfill His promise, but He never rushed His Father, and instead chose to wait in the promise

"There's so much freedom in realizing it's not about us, but about knowing Him," they said. "When we align ourselves with His heart, we can walk confidently in the season we are in. All of life is the undoing – the journey into knowing Him more."

Other Biblical figures who also showed what it meant to wait and trust were Abraham and Sarah, who were beyond childbearing age but told by God that they would still have countless descendants. There's also Joseph who suffered from betrayals and hardships; David who waited 15 years to become king of Judah, and then seven more before he ruled Israel.

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