Virtual Reality Park Tokyo proves successful after one year

A promotional poster for the virtual reality platform, the Oculus Rift. Facebook/oculusvr

Japan is well known for its ability to innovate and get with the times when it comes to technological advancement. Recently, Japan has added a unique feature in the city of Tokyo aimed to entertain people. This was not other than the Virtual Reality Park Tokyo in Shibuya, which first opened in December of 2016. After almost a year in business, how is the new platform of entertainment holding up?

In a report by CNN Travel, the VR Park Tokyo is reminiscent of the big arcades of the past. Only this time, it is equipped with VR video games. The VR Park Tokyo quickly became a trend in Japan. With an estimated 9000 visitors per month, the service was definitely quite an attraction to both tourists and citizens. Customers got to experience exhilarating video games in full VR.

An example of which was the game called "Dive Hard" wherein players had an opportunity to traverse massive cranes, as aliens threaten to invade the Earth. This was just one of the numerous offerings of VR Park Tokyo. With the success that it has been receiving so far, it is safe to assume that more video games such as these will be made available in the near future.

According to Engadget, VR equipment made for home can cost potential customers up to $800, which is not very cheap. There have been strides for VR gaming in the past year since the release of the Oculus Rift for the Sony PlayStation, but the platform is still out of reach to the general market.

President of the VR Park, Manabu Ishii, stated that 2016 was the year that legitimately put the new technology on the map, and from the looks of it, he has struck a gold mine with his new business venture. According to SVR Info, a second VR Park called VR Park Tokyo Ikebukuro will be opening soon. There are no dates for the grand opening as of now, but it promises to be even bigger than that of Shibuya's VR Park.