Victoria Osteen shares why it's important to live a godly example for one's children and family

Victoria Osteen urges people to 'paint a picture that your children will be proud to frame because your actions are building their future.' (Facebook/Victoria Osteen)

Victoria Osteen, wife of popular Christian speaker and author Joel Osteen from Lakewood Church, says it's important for people to live godly lives not just for themselves but also for their families.

"Everything we do produces a seed and leaves something for future generations. The Bible says in Matthew five to 'let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds,'" Osteen writes on her blog. "Notice, people may not necessarily hear your words, but they are certainly going to observe your life. We should always strive to live in such a way that everything we do glorifies God in heaven."

Osteen says she might tell her children how they are supposed to act and what they are supposed to do, but in the end, they will always do whatever they see their mother and father doing. When they grow up, they are going to pattern their lifestyles, choices, and even relationships to what they have seen or experienced from their parents.

"That is why it is so important to live as a positive example for your children and family. Show them what it means to live a godly life. You paint a picture with your lifestyle, and your children put their own frame around it!" says Osteen. "Paint a picture that your children will be proud to frame because your actions are building their future."

For those who have made wrong choices in the past, Osteen says it's never too late to change. She believes they can still create vision and purpose in their homes that can be passed down for generations to come.

And as for those who don't have any children of their own right now, Osteen says there might be other children in their lives who need good role models to look up to.

"Tell your nieces, nephews and your friends' children how important they are. Tell them how special they are to God. Your words of faith will be a great deposit into their future. Your actions speak, and you never know what can happen when you affect just one life!" she says.

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