Human Barbie Ken Justin Jedlica slams Valeria Lukyanova: "I don't get why people think she's so interesting"

The 'Human Ken,' Justin Jedlica has done about 140 cosmetic surgeries to achieve his look.

In the world of childhood imagination, Ken and Barbie may be lovers and friends, but in real life, the Human Ken and Human Barbie are far from that.

Justin Jedlica, who is famous for having about 140 surgical procedures to look like the Ken doll, doesn't really have the nicest things to say about Valeria Lukyanova, who has transformed herself to look exactly like a real-life Barbie doll.

His comments come just after GQ recently released an interview with the Human Barbie doll. After reading the interview, many people feel Lukyanova is racist. Discussing her thoughts on beauty, she shared with GQ that the human race isn't as beautiful as before because of 'race-mixing.' She went on to say that she believes 'degenerate ethnicities' are why so many people are turning to plastic surgery.

While many expressed disgust in the Human Barbie's comments, the Human Ken also shared his own opinions, discussing how he felt when they first met. "We met at a photo shoot. She's a cute girl," Jedlica told to GQ before admitting, "I don't really get her. I don't get why people think she's so interesting. She has extensions. She wears stage makeup. She's an illusionist."

Meanwhile, Jedlica is proud of the cosmetic work he's done to become a humanized Ken doll. GQ also reports that Jedlica's pride and joy rests in the way his shoulders look.

"...Nobody has anything like them," he said. "I divided these so there's six pieces—front, middle, and back. Just like the actual anatomy...I'm working with a silicone-fabrication company to do an artistic muscle-augmentation-implant line."

This isn't the first time Human Ken has "slammed his supposed other half." According to E!News, back in November, the 33-year-old took photos of himself poking fun at the Human Barbie and calling her a "drag queen."

"Valeria presents herself as a real-life Barbie doll, but she is nothing more than an illusion who dresses like a drag queen," he was reported saying. "Unlike me, who has spent nearly $150,000 permanently transforming myself into a human Ken doll, Valeria just plays dress up. But as soon as you wipe away all that makeup, she's just a plain Jane and there's absolutely nothing special about her."