'Uncharted' movie release date, cast news: Tom Holland wants an origin story with Chris Pratt

New "Spider-Man" star Tom Holland will work on the movie adaptation of the "Uncharted" video game next. REUTERS/Toby Melville

The long-anticipated "Uncharted" movie is finally rolling after years of development. Set to begin production in mid-2017 in Colombia, the film will star Tom Holland ("Spider-Man: Homecoming") as the treasure hunter Nathan Drake and the actor wants his friend Chris Pratt ("Guardians of the Galaxy") to join him.

Speaking with Yahoo Movies via a Facebook interview, Holland said he would like either Jake Gyllenhaal or Pratt to play Sully in the "Uncharted" movie. He said he saw Pratt as an older version of his character but added, "I think he would be a good Sully and I love working with Chris."

Sully is Victor Sullivan who served as Drake's mentor in the original video game that the movie will base from. Like Drake, he's also a treasure hunter and he is like a father figure.

The "Uncharted" movie is a prequel to the game series. Holland said he and director Shawn Levy previously discussed the direction of the adaptation. "[There's a] potential of doing an origin story rather than copying what the games have done and it seems like people have been really excited about it," he said.

Video game developer Naughty Dog developed and released "Uncharted" in 2007, which has since spawned three other successful installments. Gamers have been pushing for a movie version and Naughty Dogs were in talks with studios and producers since 2010.

In the middle of promoting another movie in 2016, Levy told the audience of his interest in doing the film feature as he is a huge fan of the games. "I am so committed to this thing and I'm in it on the script level with Joe Carnahan, who knows what he's doing," he said.

In May 2017, Holland nabbed the lead role, as Deadline reported. Sony has yet to set a release date.