Naughty Dog together with Sony recently revealed a new multiplayer patch heading to "Uncharted 4: A Thief's End" known simply as "Survival." The latter even released a teaser trailer providing fans a glimpse of what the upcoming update has to offer.
It is said that the Survival mode will somewhat pay homage to its predecessor, the Co-Op Arena, showcased in both "Uncharted 2" and "Uncharted 3." The patch will also add in the mix new foes to exterminate and even battles with bosses with unworldly abilities. With that said, the game will also boast the toasty version of the English pirate Adam Baldridge that may well seem to be one of the game mode's big baddies.
The teaser featured close quarters combat and gun-toting mayhem that fans will positively take pleasure in. Moreover, it was mentioned that the update will bring forth 50 waves of enemy hordes that will grow smarter and tougher as players progress with each wave.
Also, the patch will be chipping in 10 maps all at the player's disposal. What's great with the upcoming game tweak is the fact that the 50 levels of gameplay will be subdivided into five waves for every map enabling players to make incremental headways if they only have moments to spare to play.
On top of the Survival game mode, the update will also feature another add-on dubbed "Crushing Mode" that can only be unlocked if players are able to beat the game on hard mode. The name of the game clearly states what the players will be facing as it is said that it will try to crush the willpower of every player who dares to take part in the insanity.
The "Uncharted 4" Survival game mode is slated to be released this December.