Unbusy yourself: how to deal with distractions from your true calling


Distractions come in a variety of forms. Sometimes it's technology - our phones, tablets, TV - and other times it's people - a close friend, a partner, a sibling. These things which distract us aren't necessarily bad in their own right, but issues arise when we're not organised when it comes to managing the time that we spend away from them.

Regardless of how focused you are, there comes a time every now and then when something distracts you from the task you're completing, the conversation you're having or a more distant goal.

Whether you've found your calling or are still waiting to hear from God, these three tips can help you reduce the impact that distractions can have as you work to fulfil it.

Start as you mean to go on
The lower you place your true calling down your to do list, the less time you'll end up devoting to it.

When you wake up, spend some time in prayer asking God for guidance on the next steps you need to take to prepare yourself for your calling. If you already know what you need to do, take action to complete or begin this task. If you really don't have time to actively work on your calling first thing, taking time to focus on it will help you to be weary of the things which may prevent you from pursuing it later on in the day.

Look at the bigger picture
You can quickly become disillusioned if you only concern yourself with how unique a calling can be and how far they can take you geographically. What's more important is how far it takes you spiritually, how much closer it brings you to God.

Not everyone's calling is the same and some can appear to be an exciting adventure - a trip or new life overseas, the planting of a vibrant church - but whether or not the exteriors of our calling is appealing, the interior is always something to be celebrated.

Unbusy yourself
Just as it can be an obstacle in your everyday relationships with other people, extreme busyness can be a great barrier to you growing closer to God too.

Clear your diary, mark out some "me time", switch off your phone and learn to say "no". Whatever you need to do to enable yourself more time to carry out your calling, do it. Sometimes your busyness can reveal that you're placing greater value on things which don't help you to develop spiritually - money, the opinions of others, positions of power. By reorganising your schedule and periodically eliminating distractions you can give your calling the attention it deserves.