U.S. evangelical couple linked to child abuse ask God to 'strike our enemies dead'

Book cover of 'To Train Up a Child.' (Wikipedia)

A Christian evangelical couple who advocate child discipline that centres around "breaking a child's will'' have asked God to strike their critics dead.

The chilling request was posted on the Internet by Debi Pearl, wife of Christian evangelist Michael Pearl, whose controversial parenting manual "To Train Up a Child" promotes child abuse and has been linked with at least three deaths of young children, Raw Story reported.

"Please join us in praying that God will strike our enemies dead!!'' Debi's post read, the report said.

"Lord God, we ask that you step in and bring down the evil that is set against Michael Pearl's family. Bring to an end all those that testify in lies and deceit," she wrote.

Pearl's public prayer was apparently intended for their critics who accused them of abusing children through their teachings under the guise of biblical discipline.

The Pearls' teachings have been associated with the deaths of Sean Paddock, Lydia Schatz, and Hana Grace-Rose Williams, according to news reports.

Paddock suffocated when he was wrapped too tightly in blankets. Schatz died after being spanked for several hours. And Hana Grace-Rose Williams, of Sedro-Woolley, was left out in the cold, where she died naked, face down in the mud. All happened at the hands of their parents, who later claimed to have followed the child-rearing teachings of the Pearls, the Seattle Times reported.

Pearl also reportedly called the "evil dogs'' who are bringing legal action against her family, "the enemy of God."

The couple are currently facing legal challenges related to their advocacy of male dominance and parental tyranny.

Critics, meanwhile, blasted Pearl's public prayer, with some calling her delusional, arrogant and dangerous.

"It was people like this that made me back away from evangelical fellowship,'' according to M. Weber.

"I'm part of the adoption community and these two completely make us sick. They are not only self aggrandizing and delusional, but dangerous and have proven to be a real harm to children,'' A. Wesley said.

C.A. Malpica said: "How arrogant these people are–they think they are bearing the name of Jesus. And that their God is speaking to them, justifying the decisions they make and the horrible things they do. Or at least what they tell themselves to avoid taking responsibility for their words and actions."

M. Dolon Hickmon said he pities every family who has brought the curse of abuse upon children and themselves by following Pearl's "lies.''

In her book, "Created To Be His Help Meet," Debi Pearl teaches Christian wives to anticipate and meet their husbands' every need, want, and desire, regardless of the cost to themselves and their children.

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