The crime drama television show by Showtime, "Twin Peaks," had left its audiences with a lot of questions due to its major cliffhanger ending. Initially, fans thought that season 3 of the show would not even be made months before it was released, and people are still wondering if season 4 is actually going to happen.
In a report by Indie Wire, the co-creator of the show, Mark Frost, has stated that he and David Lynch are still pondering on whether they would be pushing through with a fourth season or not. Frost went on further to say that even the network is "musing" about the future of the show. Granted that the show is very popular, fans are clammoring for more — especially with the season 3 finale.
With 18 episodes for season 3, Lynch and Frost both feel that creating even just one season is a tremendous commitment and requires a lot of effort, which is why they have yet to make up their minds regarding season 4. According to Screen Rant, despite spawning more questions for viewers and being a major cliffhanger, the finale can still be respectfully considered as a fitting end to the series.
Given that so many questions had been left unanswered, the show could easily springboard from the final moments of season 3 and give its audiences a potentially exciting new season that could lead to a riveting conclusion. However, fans of the show must be willing to wait, which is something that Movie Fone speculates.
It took Lynch and Frost about "two decades to produce the third season," and audiences might have to wait about four more years for the next. Fortunately, there is more material for those who cannot get enough in the form of "Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier" — a book written by Frost himself, which is meant to enlighten fans on some of the mysteries of Washington State. However, it is unclear whether the facts written in the book are tied to the show itself.
"Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier" costs $22. At this point, fans will have to wait for more details regarding the next season, which may take quite a while.