Creative Assembly's newest installment to the popular video game series "Total War" is finally released. "Total War: Warhammer II" is the sequel to last year's "Total War: Warhammer," going live on Microsoft Windows on Sept. 28.
"Millennia ago, besieged by a Chaos invasion, a conclave of High Elf mages forged a vast, arcane vortex. Its purpose was to draw the Winds of Magic from the world as a sinkhole drains an ocean, and blast the Daemonic hordes back to the Realm of Chaos. Now the Great Vortex falters, and the world again stands at the brink of ruin," read the game's official description.
"The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breathtaking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a definitive and climactic endgame, an experience unlike any other Total War title to date," continued the post.
Although "Total War: Warhammer II" is a follow-up to last year's installment, it also comes in new stories, races, and unique game features. New races can be accessed in the newly-released game, namely: High Elves, Dark Elves, Lizardmen, and Skaven. Last year's races can still be accessed in the sequel, but they will have different roles than before.
The gameplay will roughly be the same. Players must expand their chosen race's empire and try to seek control the "Great Vortex." A neat, new addition to the game is that players will now have the ability to capture every city on the map, regardless if it is more advantageous to other races. Still, even if players can manage to own half of the map, if the other side manages to control the "Great Vortex," it's over.
However, what players should really look forward to in the new installment of "Total Wars" is the third campaign called "Grand Campaign," where players can link the maps of the Old the Old and New World together. This means a lot more content for players to harness, and is "100 percent sandbox", according to the game developers.
"Total War: Warhammer II" is now available for download on Steam for $59.99.