Top 5 daily prayer apps to help your devotional life


Shane Claiborne has released a new prayer app to go alongside the dozens already available on iTunes.

Based on his book Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals, Claiborne said he hoped the app would bring Christians towards unity.

"Common Prayer helps today's diverse church pray together across traditions and denominations with morning, midday, and evening prayers for every day of the year," Claiborne said in a post on Facebook.

"Ultimately, Common Prayer makes liturgy dance, taking the best of the old and bringing new life to it with a fresh fingerprint for the contemporary renewal of the church."

But Claiborne's venture alongside Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove and Enuma Okoro is just one of hundreds of prayer apps available to help Christians with the centuries-old struggle to pray regularly.

Here are five of the best apps we found:

Prayer Notes

This prayer journal app allows you to record prayer requests and set up a prayer diary for specific points at particular times.

It functions like a password-protected planner and means you can mark an item when it is answered and share requests with friends via the app's AirDrop feature.

One user said it was a "useful prayer app that works by keeping things simple". They added: "If you, like me, value help in keeping your prayer time focused then this app could be for you."


Daily Prayer

The official prayer app from the Church of England gives a complete liturgy and services for morning, evening and night time prayer.

Based on the Anglican Book of Common Prayer it means you can follow the weekly, monthly and annual cycle of the Church. The downside is you have to subscribe and pay £2.99 in order to gain full access to the readings.

One user remarked: "I really like being able to say a Daily Liturgy and follow the Church year and remember past Saints. However I also think it is a shame that now we are forced to pay and can no longer download Todays readings."


Daily Prayer Guide

This daily devotional offers a blend of prayers, Bible verses, poems and quotes to give you a kickstart to your day.

It is based on Leaves of Life by Margaret Bird Steinmetz and dates each entry so you can catch up if you miss a few days.

The app quotes one user as saying: "Truly wonderful, enlightening and gives me a great smile to start my day off with."


Best Daily Prayers and Devotionals

A simple short prayer delivered to your phone each day. This app requires very little from you and just gives you a quick prayer, thought, or verse to start your day.

What it lacks in thoroughness and rigorous content it makes up in ease and speed of use.

Users have described it as "to the point" and a "pithy reminder of what is important in a busy world."


My First Daily Prayer

Finally, this is an app aimed at kids, and provides a simple and easy way to encourage your children into daily prayer.

It offers prayers for different scenarios such as going to school and going to bed, and has a new theme each week to take your children through.
