Tony Campolo Talks Global Poverty at Newcastle University

|PIC1|Dynamic U.S. speaker and author Dr Tony Campolo recently gave a lunchtime lecture at Newcastle University, a world leader among universities in the struggle against global poverty.

Dr Campolo talked about Francis Fukuyama's "The End of History" thesis, pointing out that the propagation of the endless acquisition of 'stuff' is not only killing our fellow human beings in the poor countries, but killing us as people here too.

He also pointed out that there is a better way - one that expresses the values of the Kingdom of God and concluded with a hilarious rendition of the words of the pastor of the black church he attends: "It's Friday, but Sunday's coming!"

The event was chaired by Martin Callanan MEP, one of Make Poverty History NE's patrons, and sponsored by the university chaplaincy, MPH-NE and Incarnate.

Last February, Dr Campolo, who is a Baptist minister, as well as former spiritual adviser to Bill Clinton and leader of the U.S. 'Christian Evangelical Left', challenged Christians working in London's financial district of their commitment to issues of trade and justice.

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