Toddler's touching prayer caught on baby monitor goes viral

Kathryn and Caleb Whitt with their daughter, Sutton. Facebook

A video of a two-year-old reciting prayers to herself before she goes to sleep has gone viral.

The toddler was captured on a baby monitor by her parents, Kathryn and Caleb Whitt. Usually, the Whitts pray with their daughter, Sutton, every night before bed, but that evening they had sped through their evening routine in order to catch the end of an NFC championship game.

"We started hearing noises upstairs," Kathryn, a preschool teacher, told CNN. "We then pulled up the baby monitor on my cell phone and hit record."

They found their daughter, Sutton, reciting her prayers thoughtfully to herself. She went through a list of names, ranging from Santa Claus to her grandma, saying thank you, before finishing with a loud Amen.

"I was just shocked at her age that she wanted to think through everyone she wanted to pray for," Kathryn said.

We put Sutton to bed about an hour ago and then heard noise coming from her room. We turned on her baby monitor and...

Posted by Kathryn Whitt on Sunday, 24 January 2016

The Whitts uploaded the video to Facebook to share with their friends, but it has since gone viral with almost a million views and more than 19,000 shares.

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"Almost immediately people from all over were sending us messages saying that this touched their hearts," Kathryn said.

Sutton is apprently enjoying her newfound fame; she joined her mother at work and people have been asking for her autograph.

"She knows she is part of something big, but doesn't know exactly what."

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