'Tobu Tobu Girl' is the newest title for the classic Game Boy

The newest Game Boy title from Tangram Games is called "Tobu Tobu Girl." YouTube/Tangram Games

Along with the revival of classic Nintendo consoles, there is another oldie but goodie console that will be getting something new. Tangram Games has a new game in store for the classic Game Boy.

Titled "Tobu Tobu Girl," the new game was developed with the Game Boy in mind, from its looks to its gameplay, and for fans to be able enjoy it on the classic console itself. Many gamers who still have working Game Boy handheld consoles will be able to get their hands on this game.

Tangram Games has also released a trailer for the newest Game Boy title.

The main objective of "Tobu Tobu Girl" is for the player to save their kitty companion as it floats up to the sky. It centers around a female protagonist, as the name of the title suggests, who tries to keep up with her cat by jumping, dashing or flapping her arms. This causes her to bounce upwards, moving closer to her feline friend.

The protagonist uses flying animals to move upwards as well as turning possible enemies into springboards, as she bounces up, left and right to get to her destination.

"Tobu Tobu Girl" is now available, although stocks are very limited, so gamers have to get their hands on it quick. Only 75 physical copies of the game were released for the first batch, and orders have since closed. The game, with its price tag of $40, came in a branded box with a 12-page full-color manual.

Fortunately, Tangram Games has promised that another batch of "Tobu Tobu Girl" will be available soon, especially for those who missed out on the first batch that came out.

Those who do not have plans to get a physical copy can get the ROM version now on the game's website for free. This game can be played using a Game Boy emulator.