'Titanfall 2' updates: Developer shares new contents and updates coming from April to June

New contents and updates are coming for "Titanfall 2" Electronic Arts

The multiplayer first-person shooting video game sequel "Titanfall 2" is going to have tons of new contents and updates coming this April until July.

Last week, developer Respawn Entertainment announced the new contents coming for "Titanfall 2" starting this month until June. Particularly, the game will have two general multiplayer maps, two additional Live Fire maps, and a new titan. For those who are looking for Prime Titans, "Titanfall 2" is also going to have two purchasable ones, namely Ronin and Tone.

At the moment, no exact release date and details have been indicated about these new contents. Respawn Entertainment teased fans that it is up to them to speculate about these upcoming new items.

Aside from the new offerings, the developer also promised other updates coming for "Titanfall 2" before July this year. Even though the exact date of the roll out has yet to be confirmed, Respawn Entertainment shared the list.

In the next two months, fans can expect an Expanded Private Match setting that will also include Live Fire and Coliseum to the selectable modes. "Titanfall 2" is also expected to have a gen cap increase to 100, a new Faction, as well as more pilot executions.

In addition, fans can look forward to some enhancements in matchmaking, such as increase or decrease in the waiting time, a Marked for Death game mode, and other items for sale such as skins and camos.

Lastly, the developer promised players that there will be more free trials for "Titanfall 2" in the coming months. They assured fans that they will share more details as the release date of each new content and update approaches.

"Titanfall 2" is the sequel to 2014's "Titanfall." Its storyline focuses on Militia infantry soldier named Jack Cooper who wants to be a pilot for Titan. The game was released last October 2016 and is playable for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.