Thousands 'March for Life' in London anti-abortion demonstration

The UK 'March for Life' movement held its first London-based March in Britain's capital yesterday, with thousands marching to oppose the liberalisation of abortion laws. Pro-choice activists held a peaceful counter-demonstration.

Thousands of pro-life marchers walked to Westminster's Parliament Square on Saturday afternoon, according to the Catholic Herald. The gathering marked the first time March for Life UK – which started in Birmingham in 2012 – has demonstrated in London. The march is timed to mark the time of year that the landmark 1967 Abortion Act – which legalised abortion in Great Britain, excluding Northern Ireland – came into effect.

The demonstration was accompanied by live music, public addresses and prayer.

Bishop John Keenan of Paisley encouraged pro-life attendees to consider entering public life: 'You have no idea of the galvanising effect your courage will have if you stand up before the British media courageously, even under attack, and be pro-life. You're setting the seeds of the next generation.'

Saturday's pro-life march. Facebook/ Laura Sardina

A March for Choice was held to counter the event, organised by the pro-choice group Abortion Rights. The group told the Evening Standard that 'Although "March for Life" try to present a shiny, family friendly appearance, in reality, it is made up of extreme anti-women outside abortion clinics.'

In March west-London's Ealing Council became the first council to establish an exclusion zone outside a local Marie Stopes abortion clinic, after allegations by the clinic of groups outside harassing its clients.

March for Life UK defended its demonstration. 'March for Life UK is an organisation that works to bring together various pro-life groups around the country as well as raising awareness of the hurt and damage abortion causes,' it said.

'The pro-life groups who we connect with work in different ways to provide help and support to women/couples in crisis pregnancy situations (during pregnancy and beyond, for as long as they need it) as well as help for those who suffer after abortions.'