'Thor: Ragnarok' rumors: Soul Stone to cause Asgard's destruction

Rumors claim that "Thor: Ragnarok" will feature the destruction of Asgard. Facebook/Thor

"Thor: Ragnarok" is still a little more than six months away from its release date, but it is already speculated that the third and final movie about Thor (Chris Hemsworth) will feature the destruction of Asgard due to an Infinity Stone. 

It was previously reported that "Thor: Ragnarok" will set up the events in another Marvel Studios movie, "Avengers: Infinity War." However, according to the latest reports, it is likely for the upcoming movie to feature the destruction of Thor's home planet, Asgard, allegedly because of one of the Infinity Stones, which will be the bone of contention between the Marvel superheroes and Thanos (Josh Brolin) in "Avengers: Infinity War."

Sources claim that, since the third and the last installment of "Thor" comes with the word "Ragnarok," which is the apocalypse in Norse mythology, it is, indeed, possible for the upcoming Marvel Studios movie to have Asgard destroyed. After all, in the recently released trailer of the movie, Hela (Cate Blanchett) is heard saying that "Asgard is dead."

In the event that Asgard will really meet its destruction in"Thor: Ragnarok," it is suspected to be because of an Infinity Stone, the Soul Stone to be specific. After all, it has been long theorized that the said Infinity Stone may be in the possession of Heimdall (Idris Elba), which is the reason why he has the ability to see souls across the nine realms.

It is said that Hela will connive with Loki (Tom Hiddleston) so that she can have the Soul Stone in her possession. However, after getting what she wants, Hela will betray Loki and use the powers of the said infinity Stone at her full advantage and destroy Asgard.

Will Asgard and its gods finally meet their demise in "Thor: Ragnarok?" If yes, will it be because of the Infinity Stone that Hela will use to increase her powers? Is Heimdall really the keeper of the Soul Stone?

Find out when "Thor: Ragnarok" arrives in the theaters this Nov. 3.