This one change of perspective will open up more opportunities for you


Too often many of us feel overwhelmed by the rate at which things go wrong. The harsh reality of life is the fact that we are never truly in control of everything. No matter how hard we plan, our plans will still be challenged, our careers will still hit road bumps, our shoes will get soiled, our car engine will malfunction before that big meeting, and that conversation will result in an unforeseen offence.

When faced with overwhelmingly frustrating times when things don't seem to go our way, we are faced with two options: try to regain control on our own, or stop to see what God who is in control is trying to do for us.

Romans 12:2 tells us, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

Truth be told, we are not responsible for initiating the work of renewing our minds. Yes, we have a choice, but God initiates it by bringing circumstances that challenge our thinking.

In times when things don't go our way, here's one perspective that can turn those setbacks into actual opportunities for the renewal of mindsets, creation of comebacks and setting up of breakthroughs: "How is God's good, acceptable and perfect will unfolding through this setback?"

Of the things that are out of our control, I believe that they all have a purpose and reason. God might be delaying the blessing to test our patience and character, or He might have closed that deal to make room for a better one coming up. It always makes sense in the end, but it is always overwhelmingly frustrating in the moment. The trick is to see a setback not from our vantage point of view but from God's viewpoint after it has transpired and worked into God's master plan.

We know God has a plan for us, but it doesn't always feel that way when things go wrong. That's why we need to renew our mind and shift our perspective and not see things based on the setback but based on the preparation of our comeback.

God is working even if we are not, and we will only start discerning it when we renew our minds and see things from the vantage point of God's will, not ours.

Proverbs 19:21 reminds us, "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand."

When things aren't going our way, it's only because God has something better in store for us. But we have to go through storms and fire to be refined first.

What's that one thing that isn't going your way right now? How do you think God's good, acceptable and perfect will will unfold further through this setback?

God is always working for our good, but the question is: Will we hold on to that hope, or will we slip back and work things out on our own?