The weakness behind prosperity teachings


If you've heard of the term "prosperity gospel," then you probably know how many Bible experts and established leaders are wary of it.

The concept of a prosperity gospel message is dangerous not because of the idea that God wants to bless us. Truth be told, it is God's intention to bless every single one of us, and He continues to do so.

Prosperity gospel becomes a snare because the emphasis is so heavily placed on the idea of God's blessing that it replaces the true blessing that is God himself. A person who falls for the snare of prosperity gospel is most prone to the idol of money, material wealth and of the self.

This belief system is deeply rooted in materialism, which plagues the body of Christ today, and truth is many of us can easily fall into this trap. The moment you think that you are safe from materialism is the time you let your guard down and become most vulnerable to falling for a prosperity-centered teaching.

What is it about prosperity teachings that makes it dangerous and misleading? Here are three ideas to ponder on.

Material prosperity is not the only way God blesses

Yes, it's true that God desires for His people to be wealthy in earthly things. Steering clear of materialism doesn't mean that we despise nice cars, quality brands and nice houses. The way we battle the idol of materialism is to remember that this is not the only blessing that God wants us to have.

Ephesians 1:3 says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places." Beyond being blessed in the flesh, God also desires that we be blessed in heart and spirit by allowing character, contentment, spiritual maturity and the love for God to flourish within us.

Material prosperity can be a hindrance to the ultimate blessing

Matthew 6:24 reminds us, "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money."

The greatest failure of prosperity-centered teachings is that it places the self and material wealth over the value of God. When God knows that wealth can become a hindrance to your desire or ability to trust, follow and obey Him, He allows that blessing to stop because He doesn't want to lose you.

The ultimate goal is Christ

Philippians 3:14 says, "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." There is nothing wrong with wanting to get rich or desiring material things. The danger comes when the desire for wealth overwhelms the desire for more of Jesus in our lives.

The pursuit of a relationship with Christ and His manifest presence in every area of our life -- including our possessions and finances -- is the greatest reward of all. When God is present and is Lord over our 100 percent, that is that time that we truly prosper.

Prosperity gospel becomes a snare because the emphasis is so heavily placed on the idea of God's blessing that it replaces the true blessing that is God himself.