Do you want to get close to God but don't know how to? Many Christians struggle in this area. I've heard brothers and sisters say that they want more of God, but they can't seem to have more of Him. Can you relate?
If you can, and you want to have more of God but find it hard to have more of Him, let me share something very precious to you. Don't think that I've already arrived, because I haven't. Growing in obedience to the word of God is very challenging, and I am also growing in it. I would like to share with you some things that helped me, and I know these would help you too.
The Wrong Key
I struggled with this issue of the heart before. I wanted to get close to the Lord, to have more of Him, but I find it hard to do so. I gave my time and my everything in serving in ministry in church because I thought I'd get close to Him in doing so, but later on I found myself drifting away.
How could that happen? How could I miss God? I was very active in church and yet, I missed Him. How? Well, the answer is pretty simple, really. Jesus gave us the most important key of all, yet many of us miss it, or worse ignore it:
"Jesus answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father's who sent Me." (John 14:23-24)
That's the key: obedience to the word of God.
That's It?
My friends, getting close to the Lord shouldn't be hard for any of us. Why? Because God Himself wanted to reconcile with us, and for that very purpose He paid the highest price of all: the death of His very own one and only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
You see, God wanted all men to be saved, and welcomed into His family. He gave us the only Way to Him (see John 14:6), but it's our responsibility to walk through that Way He provided (see Matthew 7:13).
We enter a relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ, and we grow closer in fellowship with Him as we listen to His word, keep it, and obey it. Again, Jesus Himself said that He and the Father will make their home only with those who keep His word!
Practical tips to getting close to God
So do you want to get close to God? Let me share a few practical tips for you:
1) Read the word of God and receive it
How can we keep Jesus' words if we don't read or hear them? Bibles are pretty accessible nowadays through paperback and digital versions such as phone apps. Grab a copy (I would recommend the New King James Version or the English Standard Version) and start reading Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
2) Learn from what you've read in the word of God
Don't just read the Bible like it's a boring novel or a fictional storybook. It's the word of life: the word of God is alive and active! Don't underestimate it.
Many great leaders who've made their marks in history learned from the Bible. If we want to know what God wants us to do, we've got to learn from the Bible. It's His word, able to teach and equip us for great work. (see 2 Timothy 3:16-17)
3) Obey it
Lastly, don't just read the word of God. Obey it. Do what Jesus said in the word. Take heed to what Paul said. Learn from Solomon's writings. Be inspired to worship the Lord the way David and the sons of Asaph did. Learn to trust God like Abraham, Joseph, Elijah, Jeremiah, and many great men and women of faith. Learn to walk in the Spirit.
Obey God's word and see the results in your relationship with Him. He promised it, and so He will fulfill it.