The one thing needed for you to do great things for God and others


Great things start from small beginnings. These small beginnings, on the other hand, need just one simple thing in order for them to sprout. Would you want to do great things? If you do, you need this.

You need to decide for yourself.

Make the decision

The Bible presents to us the best-ever instruction manual, coming from the very heart and mouth of God (see 2 Timothy 3:16).

In addition, there are countless motivational books, write-ups and seminars – all coming from successful businessmen and career people – that are designed to help people do their best in life. Yet, even with all these things available for our benefit, we will never go anywhere unless we make a decision for ourselves.

Even God Himself makes decisions. In the first and second chapters of Genesis, we see Him speaking things into existence – with all of these things having their own uniqueness. Then He decides to make man in His own image, carefully fashioning the dust into the shape of a man and then breathing into him.

Then He decides to make a partner for the man, decides to bring them together, and commands them to take dominion of all creation. What we see here is God making a myriad of decisions for each and every single thing that He has made.

Psalm 115:3 tells us that, "Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases."

What about you?

What about you, fellow believer? Do you desire to reach great lengths and do great feats for the Lord, for yourself, for your family and loved ones? If you do, you need to decide for yourself if you have to do great things by starting to do small things first and that you'll start doing it now.

Following Jesus starts with a decision. The disciples made the decision to leave their nets and follow Him. Those who don't follow Him also make a decision: the decision not to follow. What about you?

God won't decide for you

Friends, we all need to make the choice because God won't make it for us. Our decision to repent and follow Christ is not dependent on others. Our decision to stop sinning is not dependent on the situation. Our decision to deny ourselves and take up our crosses is not made for us by our parents or spouse. It's all our choice.

Whether or not we go to heaven is our choice. Whether or not we enter the Kingdom of God is our choice as well. Christ paid for our salvation, forgiveness and redemption, but it's up for us to receive His gift and to work out our salvation even with fear and trembling.

It's our choice to do the good things that God has designed us for. It's our choice to extend a helping hand to those in need. It's our choice to speak kindly or harshly. No one makes that decision for us, and no one else will be judged by God for what we have personally done.

Now, my friends, what do you choose?