'The Mick' spoilers: Everyone goes to New York City; Jimmy finds success in the investment business

FOX's American sitcom "The Mick" Facebook/ TheMickFOX

On the next episode of Fox's American sitcom television series "The Mick," Mickey (Kaitlin Olson) and the rest of the gang make their way to the Big Apple. Everyone then finds out about Jimmy's (Scott MacArthur) success in the investment industry.

Tuesday's episode, titled "The City," mainly focuses on Jimmy being an investment elite and wanting a promotion so bad. Cavalry then arrives in the form of Mickey and helps out Jimmy acquire the higher position he deserves.

However, in the preview episode uploaded by Fox, two police officers knock on Mickey's door to tell her that Jimmy, her on-and-off boyfriend, is dead. Everyone are baffled when they hear the news except for Chip (Thomas Barbusca). Chip simply laughs it off and when he finally senses the seriousness of the situation, he stops.

The preview trailer is not well received by fans. There are still no confirmation if Jimmy is really dead and is being written out of the show. If it is indeed true, many people suggest it is a big mistake for the show's producers as well as Fox.

The upcoming episode will also have Chip visiting his biological father. No further information were provided by Fox for this story angle, though.

The sitcom continues to generate mixed opinions and reviews from fans and critics. The show got an IMDb score of 7.8 out of 10 and a fairly good score rating of 58 percent from Rotten Tomatoes. The number of viewers is not also consistent with some episodes attracting a lot, while others do not. According to TV By The Numbers, the previous episode "The Trip" got 2.01 million viewers, lower compared to the episode before with 2.28 million viewers.

The cast and production are looking for a comeback with episode 12 of the second season to air on Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. EST on FOX.