'The Last of Us 2' updates: Upcoming game will be amazing, says Naughty Dog president

Is Joel really dead in "The Last of Us 2?" Facebook/NaughtyDog

There is no denying that "The Last of Us 2" is one of the most anticipated games ever, evidenced by the numerous speculations and rumors attached to it. While it remains unclear how its story will pan out and when it will arrive, Naughty Dog president Evan Wells assures the fans that the game sequel will be worth the wait and the anticipation. 

Long before "The Last of Us 2" was announced, there had already been numerous rumors on how its story will possibly pan out. After all, apart from its thrilling gameplay, the first "The Last of Us" game also offered a riveting story that made it a further hit in the gaming community. 

However, when "The Last of Us 2" was announced during the PlayStation Experience event last December, rumors about the upcoming game possibly featuring Joel, one of the main antagonists in the first game, dead started circulating online.

As the reveal trailer of "The Last of Us 2" shows a pristine Joel, in contrast to the blood-stained and now-grown up Ellie, many believe that the former is just a vision/hallucination of the latter, and that his death is the main reason for Ellie's anger and desire for revenge.

While there are many other theories on what "The Last of Us 2's" story will offer, including those saying that the Fireflies killed Ellie's lover and Ellie got pregnant against her will, there is no denying that the still most popular theory to this day is the one saying that Joel is dead.

Whatever the truth is and however the story of "The Last of Us 2" will turn out, fans can expect that it will be a game sequel worth looking forward to. 

"It's going to be a great game...I've heard the story pitch from Neil (Druckmann, the game's scriptwriter and director) very recently...it's going to be amazing," Wells told Game Informer recently.

Naughty Dog has yet to announce the release date of "The Last of Us 2."