'The Blacklist' season 3 spoilers: Liz and Red search for a kidnapper in episode 14

 The Blacklist/Official Facebook Page

While Liz (Megan Boone) remains clueless about what she should do with the child inside her womb, she and Red (James Spader) have to capture a woman who is believed to be a kidnapper in "The Blacklist" season 3 episode 14.

In the episode titled "Lady Ambrosia," which will air on Feb. 11 on NBC, Liz and Red will look into the case of a Blacklister who is believed to be taking unwanted children. This is after a missing child who was long presumed dead turns out to be alive.

Based on the fairytale-like narration of the trailer for the episode, the Blacklister gathers unwanted children and promises them that they will live forever. But it seems like it will not be the case, and Liz and Red need to do everything to stop the Blacklister from taking another child.

Meanwhile, the trailer also shows that Liz's ex-husband Tom (Ryan Eggold) will be facing terrible consequences after he helped his ex-girlfriend Gina (Margarita Levieva) execute a risky diamond robbery. In the video, the van Tom is riding is being shot. Will Tom's life end before his baby is born?

But what will Liz do with their baby? In the previous episode, Liz was settled to give her baby up for adoption. Yet she was disappointed after a couple who wants to take her child told her that they do not want her to be present in the kid's life because of her dark past. This made her think twice about pushing through with the adoption.

Also, Liz is expected to ask more about her mother because of her pregnancy. Executive producer Jon Bokenkamp told Entertainment Weekly that having a baby will make Liz know more about her past.

"For someone who really doesn't know who her parents are and where she came from, the idea of becoming a parent feels like a great story to tell," Bokenkamp revealed.