Do you feel like a failure? Don't worry - when we are weak God is strong


We look at society and the things around us and it's obvious that most of the things around us teach us to be afraid of failure. We were taught not to get "F's" in school because it's a bad thing to fail. We try not to look clumsy and fail socially because people would laugh at us. We were told maybe once or twice by our parents not to make a fuss because we'll embarrass them (and if you're a parent who's done that, don't worry, I've done it too!)

Psychologists claim that every human being has a certain amount of fear towards failure. As a result of this fear of failure that we have adopted, we try to avoid it as much as we can. However, the Bible tells us that there is no use in avoiding failure because we have already failed.

Romans 3:23 puts it this way: "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." We have all failed God, and as a result we have failed so miserably at the one thing we were created to do, which is to bring glory and honour to God. There's not one person except Jesus who has succeeded at living life the way it should be lived, and everyone else has just failed.

And here's the thing, we're going to continue to fail. We'll try and try and sometimes we may do one or two things right, but sooner or later everything is just going to go south on us. It's a given for us to fail.

However, there is good news. Even when we fail, we're still going to win because God has already won the battle for us. It's like we're in a game of basketball and we're shooting 0 out of 100 baskets and it doesn't matter because God is scoring where we're failing. Psalm 73:26 tells us, "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

Do you feel like a failure? Is your business going down? Your studies falling all over the place? Well let me tell you that there's very strong evidence that may back that claim, but that doesn't matter because we can trust in God's powerful and enabling grace to pick up where we have failed and bring the victory in our lives.

There will come a time that we'll do something wrong and probably mess everything up, but that doesn't mean it's the end of everything. That's because when we are weak, God is strong.