'The Bachelor' 2018 Spoilers: The bachelor and the ladies go to Paris

Arie Luyendyk Jr. is the bachelor in "The Bachelor" season 22. Twitter/BachelorABC

The sixth week of the 22<sup>nd season of ABC network's hit reality show "The Bachelor" just wrapped up, and more women have been eliminated from the competition.

This week, the group went to the romantic city of Paris where one of the ladies, Krystal, has been eliminated during the not-so-romantic two-on-one date. The episode was quite intense as Krystal and the Bachelor Arie Luyendyk Jr. had an argument over her decision to pass a group date causing the other contestants to tell her off.

Lauren B. managed to score a one-on-one date with Luyendyk. She is one of the more popular contestants of this season's batch of hopefuls, especially since he has not been shy about expressing his attraction to her.

The two went on a scenic boat ride and walk through Paris, but the date quickly took a turn for the worse, though, when Lauren was unusually silent throughout their date. Their lack of communication made things very awkward for the both of them, much to Luyendyk's frustration.

"I'm so attracted to her and I want it to work, but if there's no connection by the end of the night I'll have to say goodbye," Luyendyk said during one of the episode's cutaways. In spite of his obvious attraction to her, he was clearly frustrated as he knows that there is so much more to a relationship than mere physical attraction.

But Lauren would later tell Luyendyk why she hesitates to open up to other people. During dinner, she told him that she was previously engaged to her last boyfriend and their breakup caused her to be very insecure about herself. This led the bachelor to share his own experiences from his past. He revealed that his last partner had a miscarriage, which eventually destroyed their relationship.

The sharing was just the connection that Luyendyk needed, and the conversation earned Lauren a rose, saving her from elimination until the next round.

The next episode will see the Bachelor cast go to Italy for their next soiree in episode 7, and the contestants will now be down to the final seven ladies after last week's elimination. They will be competing for the upcoming four hometown dates spots.

"The Bachelor" airs on Mondays at 8 p.m. on ABC.