Texas second-grader reads the Bible in class, teacher confiscates it

 (Photo: Geri-Jean Blanchard)

Two weeks ago, a second-grader at a Texas elementary school had her Bible taken away, and was told never to bring the book to school again. The family of the child retained conservative Christian legal defense organization Liberty Institute for representation.

Liberty Institute stated that the Hamilton Elementary School student was participating in a "read to myself" session, and chose to read the Bible. The Cypress Fairbanks Independent School District requires children to read materials that are "just right," meaning that they are appropriate for the child's age, understanding, and reading level.

According to Liberty Institute, the child's teacher took the Bible away from her, said it was inappropriate, and told her not to bring the Bible to school again.

Liberty Institute senior counsel Michael Berry stated that the Cypress school has copies of the Bible in their own library.

"So if it's appropriate for their own library," Berry asked KHOU Houston, "why on Earth would it not be appropriate for their own students?"

The school district is still investigating the situation, but said that the Bible is not banned in classrooms.

"Religious material, including the Bible, that meets ['just right'] guidelines would be permissible for a classroom assignment and/or independent reading," a district statement read.

District parents had mixed reactions to the case.

Jennifer Muse stated that the content in the Bible does not compare to some of the other books children are allowed to read in school.

"They are letting them read the Hunger Games," Muse told KHOU. "That's kids killing kids, why can't she read the Bible?"

Separation of church and state was the issue for another parent, who said that the teacher was correct for taking the Bible away.

"There should be a definite separation," the parent said.