Tesla Model 3 release date, news, updates: Latest video reveals touch screen control interface

A black color variant of Tesla Model 3 electric sedan with 220 miles range Tesla official website

There is not much information regarding the features of the Tesla Model 3. Nevertheless, the luxury sedan with a more budget-friendly price has gained the attention of several potential buyers worldwide. To further tease the public with the Model 3's top-notch features, the multibillion company released a video preview of the car's touch screen control interface.

According to Engadget, there have been doubts regarding the location of the touch screen in Tesla Model 3's front dashboard. The online publication noted the instrument readings and other car details jam-packed into a single center-dash touch screen, which might cause a problem for the riders as the driver's attention is drawn to the touch screen.

In the latest teaser video provided by Tesla for the Model 3 sedan, it appears that the touch screen will be more beneficial rather than being a distraction for the driver. The video came from a showman in a Tesla dealership center in Austin, Texas, which is among the first few locations in the U.S. state to receive the first Model 3 shipment. For one, the important info and speed readings are displayed on the touch screen, although contrary to earlier reports, the screen does not have a cluster of details crammed at the center.

The video also showed that the drivers and passengers of Tesla Model 3 can view the info on outdoor climate, as well as adjusting the music settings and windshield wiper speed. The mentioned features of the touch screen control interface are reminiscent of the Tesla Model X and Model S vehicles' functions touch pad. If there is one major difference that would be the Model 3's control touch screen on the left side that shows important driver info.

Ars Technica reported that the initial reports regarding Tesla Model 3 come from the buyers who have already received their pre-ordered sedan units. It is likely that the lucky Model 3 owners grouped together and formed an info-sharing group to provide details for other people who are still patiently waiting for the vehicle.

Based on early reviews on Tesla Model 3, there might be an issue with the control touch pad's FM radio and audio streaming from smart devices. However, it is likely that these issues will be fixed immediately as the features of the control interface undergo further enhancements.