Swine flu claims more lives in India

 (Photo: Reuters)

The swine flu sweeping through Uttar Pradesh claimed the lives of two more people this week. 

Health officials announced Thursday that the death toll has reached 16 in the northern Indian state. 

One of the deceased is senior district Congress functionary Kapoor Chandra Sonkar, who passed away on Wednesday from H1N1 infection. Details regarding the second victim were not released. 

The state's capital, Lucknow, reported 55 new cases of swine flu since Wednesday, bringing the total cases there to over 600.

The Indo-Asian News Service reported that "panic has set in" in the state's institutions of higher learning, including the Indian Institute of Management, and King George's Medical University.

A drop in mercury levels, combined with wind and heavy rain, have propelled the occurrence of swine flu in the area, and officials fear the Holi festival will lead to more infections. 

After the Holi celebrations, the schools will go on a one-week break, and doctors believe the onset of summer will help quell the virus. 

The Delhi High Court asked the government last week what steps they are taking to stop the virus' spread, and criticised the high cost of swine flu tests. 

Chief Justice G. Rohini and Justice R.S. Endlaw challenged "the inaction and lackadaisical and perfunctory approach of the government" in responding to throw swine flu.

"At present, the approved laboratories for testing and confirming the disease are limited and offered at places where the laboratories are charging exorbitantly.

"The government is immediately required to open various testing laboratories where the citizens of Delhi can be tested for the flu at a cheaper rate and affordable prices," the plea continued. 

Currently, there are only three laboratories in Dehli that conduct swine flu tests, and treatment medications are not readily available in hospitals or nursing homes.