'Survivor' season 35 episode 3 spoilers: Conflicts get bigger

Promotional image of "Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers" on CBS. Facebook/Survivor

New season, new set of castaways for the still going strong "Survivor." CBS' Emmy Award-winning reality TV show opened its 35th season with a new batch of 18 castaways that answered the one-million-dollar challenge of competing for the illustrious title of Sole Survivor. The battle will be between Heroes, Healers and Hustlers.

The first group is the Hero tribe or Levu, which is made of people whose professions have let them display courage and strong ethics. The second group is the Healer tribe or Soko. These people have jobs that help others heal whether it's from physical or emotional pain. The last group is the Hustler tribe or Yawa. The tribe is comprised of people who are admired for their industriousness and incomparable work ethics.

Moreover, in season 35, "Survivor" fans saw the show go back to its old format for breaking ties at tribal councils. It can be remembered that this changed in season 34. A new super immunity idol had also been introduced into the show this early in the season.

The super immunity idol could only be used on the very first tribal council and after that, the idol is useless. But, having the super immunity idol can still change how the game is played in different ways, since the idol's current owner, Chrissy Hofbeck, plans to dupe her tribemates with her immunity idol if the situation calls for it.

Two castaways did not survive tribal council and were voted out of the island. The first one was Katrina Radke, a former Olympian from the Hero tribe, who was kicked out of the island on the third day during their tribe's first tribal council.

The other castaway that was voted out was Simone Nguyen, an advocate of diversity. She was from the Hustler tribe and was voted off by her tribemates on the sixth day at the second tribal council.

During her interview with Us Weekly, Nguyen mentioned that she thought she had a good chance of staying in the game compared to her Hustler tribemate, Patrick Bolton, who she called "the loudest person I have ever met in my entire life."

It seems that Bolton is the main source of exasperation for the Hustler tribe, especially to Lauren Rimmer. The preview for the upcoming episode called "My Kisses Are Very Private" foreshadows conflicts inside the tribe getting out of hand.

"Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers" airs every Wednesday at 8 p.m. EDT on CBS.