'Street Fighter 5' update: Second beta phase free for everyone starting on May 11

Street Fighter 5 to hold open beta starting on May 11. Street Fighter official website

After the initial announcement of its possibility in April, Capcom has released a statement regarding the second beta phase of "Street Fighter V" Capcom Fighters Network. The experience is available for both PC and PlayStation 4 (PS4) users.

According to Capcom's blog update, there will be several changes in the Capcom Fighters Network. For one, the rage quit penalty system has been updated with all icons working perfectly and it is now equipped with logarithm that matches frequent disconnectors with other players displaying similar behavior. In relation to this, the matchmaking of "Street Fighter V" has been improved to prevent players from being paired with another repeatedly.

Other updates also include more detailed fighter profiles, a friend management system, country or league based rankings, and an in-game announcer voice that will announce player and opponent stats. A more interactive timeline in "Street Fighter V" Capcom Fighters Network menu is also slated for players to experience during the second beta phase.

The Capcom Fighters Network for "Street Fighter V" will be open to anyone on May 11 to May 14, free of charge. There will be no need to match consoles or devices for the beta phase as the improvements also include a PC/PS4 cross-play. However, just as with other beta phases, Capcom reminds players that once it ends, all data along with the mystery character, will be deleted.

Capcom is continuing to improve and provider updates for "Street Fighter V," especially after their recent apology regarding an issue about the music track in the Thailand Temple hideout Stage, released back in April.

"The Street Fighter V development and operations team, as well as all of us at Capcom, have nothing but the utmost respect for all faiths and religions around the world, and we would like to sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended by this content," as stated in the notice of apology.

In light of all the updates, players are expecting an official release date of the Capcom Fighters Network soon.