Steve Harvey tells graduating students: 'Life is 10 percent what happened and 90 percent what you're going to do about it'

Steve Harvey delivers an address before the graduating students of the Alabama State University on May 7, 2016. (Facebook/Alabama State University)

"Family Feud" host Steve Harvey was given an honorary doctorate by the Alabama State University (ASU) on May 7 for epitomising "excellence, courage, wisdom" in the field of entertainment.

Harvey admittedly dropped out of Kent State University back in the 70s after only two years of taking up a bachelor's degree course with an advertising major. Fortunately for him, he found his true calling as a comedian and television host in the 80s.

Despite his unfinished education, Harvey knows the value of a good college degree. So when he delivered the commencement address to the graduating class of ASU, he told them to use everything they have learned to create a positive impact in the world.

"I want to challenge you to do something today. You have, so far to this point, you are successful, but I want you to go a little past successful. I want somebody to be great," Harvey told the graduates, according to the Montgomery Adviser. "Success is for yourself. Great people change other people's lives. Take this degree and go change some lives with it."

Of course, Harvey knows that things are easier said than done, and people will encounter several challenges in their lives. However, Harvey reminded the students that they can approach life's roadblocks in two ways.

"In every single moment of adversity in your life, two things are going to happen: There's going to be a lesson and there's going to be a blessing. If you let the adversity crumble you, you will lay there and wallow in the failure, but life is 10 percent what happened and 90 percent what you're going to do about it," he said.

Speaking in another occasion, Harvey said he believes God gave him a successful career so that he can inspire other lost souls to turn to Him during their lowest moments.

"I'm just a living witness that you can be an imperfect soldier and still be in the army fighting for God Almighty. Don't you think you got to be perfect, [because] I [am not]," he said.

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