Stephen Baldwin says life before Jesus was all about making money

Actor turned evangelist Stephen Baldwin says, 'My life is God's life in me for Him to do with what He wants.' (Wikipedia/CC/Gage Skidmore)

Had it not been for his relationship with Jesus Christ, actor Stephen Baldwin would have remained absorbed in the materialistic and self-serving world of Hollywood.

"My life before Christ was focused on making money," he says in a video for I Am Second. "A totally day-in-and-day-out existence that was, unbeknownst to me at the time, an existence of self-absorbance, and just doing what you normally do when you're trying to maintain a career in the movie business."

It was thanks to a housekeeper he hired while living in Tucson, Arizona that Baldwin finally met Jesus. While cleaning his house, the housekeeper would sing melodies about Jesus. One day, Baldwin's wife Kennya finally asked their housekeeper, "Why is every song about Jesus?"

The housekeeper laughed and answered, "The reason that I'm laughing is you think the only reason that I'm here is to clean your house." She even told the couple that they would one day become born-again Christians and start their own ministry.

Back then, Baldwin thought their housekeeper's statement was ludicrous. He was at the highest point of his career and was making more money than he could ever imagine. "To hear that idea vocalised at that point in time was utterly ridiculous. But that's the beginning of the journey for me," he says.

Now, everything the housekeeper said became true. Baldwin says that loving Jesus is the most important thing in his life. "I know that sounds hokey, but it's the truth. My life is God's life in me for Him to do with what He wants," he says.

As for getting involved in ministry, Baldwin and his wife have supported Breakthrough Ministry, Antioch Ministry, and Jesus Now More Than Ever.

Baldwin earlier told The Christian Post that it is important to share the gospel with kids because what "young people are seeking more than ever is to be challenged with an authentic encounter and experience with truth."